This has to be the longest setup for a link ever.

Earlier this week, the 2009 National Book Award finalists were announced. In case you haven’t seen the Young People’s Literature finalists, here they are:

NBA Finalists

The shocker of the group was the inclusion of the seemingly adult graphic novel Stitches by David Small. The debate has been fun to follow:


Chasing Ray

A Fuse #8 Production

Heavy Medal: A Mock Newbery Blog

A Chair, A Fireplace & a Tea Cozy

I read Stitches, loved it, reviewed it, called it a *Best New Book*, and think that it’s certainly a title for older teens and adults. I hope it gets the attention it deserves, but “Young People’s Literature” is pushing it. The hullabaloo reminded me that Small lives just south of Kalamazoo, Michigan – a mere jaunt from where I call home – and was recently featured in my (almost) local newspaper, the Grand Rapids Press. It’s a profile that is absolutely worth your time. Some revealing stuff, to be sure. Click the image below to read.
