
First Science Encyclopedia
DK Publishing
ISBN: 9780756642969
Grades 2-5
In Stores


Every collection should have the basics. Similar to how every music collection should contain “OK Computer” by Radiohead and “Night Falls Over Kortedala” by Jens Lekman, every elementary reference section should have a science encyclopedia. First Science Encyclopedia fills this role nicely (if a bit unassumingly) with a multitude of clear facts on a wide range of scientific topics.

All the major sciences are present and accounted for here – life, materials, physical, and earth and space. Setting the stage, there are brief descriptions of major scientific advances, how science is used in everyday life, and what it is like to be a scientist. Page layouts will draw readers in – DK has never been image or graphic shy. Both elements work together, complimenting the information. Trivia questions at the bottom of each page and the occasional “Curiosity Quiz” (which encourage readers to identify different images) add interest to the mix. While the cover may not strike readers as jumping off the shelf, the contents should fill their fact-finding needs.

First Science Encyclopedia just does its job well. A solid choice for the elementary reference section.

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